Region: East Asia
Population: 3,329,282
Capital: Ulaanbaatar
GDP (Million US$): 15,098
Disaster Risk Profile: Long and harsh winters, short and dry summers. Weather in the mountains can be extremely cold and slightly wetter than the lowland regions. Rainfall is sparse, especially in the lowlands
Inform Risk Rating: 2.6

Risk Summary
- Exposed to dzuds, drought, flooding, wind storms, earthquakes and forest fires- Rapid urbanization is also causing severe water and air pollution, deforestation and overgrazing - During flash floods in 2018, over 700 households were affected- In the winter of 2009, 15 of 20 provinces in Mongolia were declared disaster zones and one-quarter of the population were affected as a result of a long-landing dzud
Disaster Management System
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)The Government of Mongolia established NEMA through integrating the State Board for Civil Defence, Fire Fighting Department and the State Reserve Agency, and operates undert an established Incident Command System. NEMA leads in in coordinating and providing direct assistance during disasters. National Climate Committee (NCC) and National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC)The committee was established to coordinate national activities to adapt to the effects of climate change as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The NCCC implements legal framework and is the administrative structure that supports in implementing climate change mitigation measures.
Disaster Management Policies and Strategy
State Policy on Disaster Protection is focused on strengthening the disaster risk reduction management framework as well as decreasing vulnerabilities to disasters. The policy focuses on strengthen capacity of personnel and equipment across central and regional government organizations, professional organizations alongside private and public sectors.Policy for Sustainable Development in Mongolia to implement activities in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2030.Mid-Term Strategy to Implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Mongolia (2017 – 2030) provides guidance on implementing the Sendai Framework and reducing disaster risk across the national and regional level. The strategy further details ways to prevent new risks from arising and strengthening capacity.
National Emergency Management Agency Find out more
Helpful Links
2017 White Paper on Disaster Risk Reduction in Mongolia