Over the past 22 years, the RCC has continued to drive regional momentum in aligning disaster
risk reduction (DRR) and climate resilience (CR) agendas to global frameworks and policies
including Sendai Framework, SDG, and the Paris Agreement.
Each RCC meeting highlights an overarching theme that supports regional follow-up of the
dialogues, operationalization of the global frameworks in Asia and the Pacific, as well as
reflecting progress, experiences, and needs for further actions to meet the commitments to the
global targets.
Apart from the representatives of National Disaster Management Organizations (NDMOs) of
the Member Countries, the RCC has welcomed line Ministries and departments (for example
representatives of finance, agriculture, urban planning, and climate ministries and agencies),
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), as well as local governments and local leaders.
With the call for an all-of-society approach, gender, and rights in disaster risk reduction and
climate resilience in line with SFDRR, academia, human rights agencies, and women agencies,
among other non-state agencies/and actors, have participated and contributed to the RCC