Region: Southeast Asia
Population: 276,361,788
Capital: Jakarta
GDP (Million US$): 1,186,092
Disaster Risk Profile: In addition to volcanic eruptions and seismicity, Indonesia is affected by hydrometeorological hazards including floods, storms, landslides and cyclones.
Inform Risk Rating: 4.6
DRR Plans and Policies
National Disaster Management Plan (2015 - 2019)
Strategic Plan of the National Disaster Management Agency
National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2010 - 2012
National Disaster Management Plan 2010 - 2014
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007 Concerning Disaster Management
The Disaster Management Act 2005
Strategic Plan of the National Disaster Management Agency
National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2010 - 2012
National Disaster Management Plan 2010 - 2014
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2007 Concerning Disaster Management
The Disaster Management Act 2005
Institutional DRR Setup
Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management/Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPD)
The BNPB is the central governing body for all disaster-related activities at the national level. It coordinates preparedness, prevention and mitigation efforts at the national level.
National Disaster Management Agency
The primary agency for coordination disaster preparedness, response, prevention, mitigation rehabilitation and recovery processes. It is also the lead coordinating agency for disaster response that consists of a Disaster Management Steering Committee and a Disaster Management Executive Committee.
Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBDs)
Decentralized district, municipal and provincial government levels, being supported by the BNPB with a similar composition the national agency.
The BNPB is the central governing body for all disaster-related activities at the national level. It coordinates preparedness, prevention and mitigation efforts at the national level.
National Disaster Management Agency
The primary agency for coordination disaster preparedness, response, prevention, mitigation rehabilitation and recovery processes. It is also the lead coordinating agency for disaster response that consists of a Disaster Management Steering Committee and a Disaster Management Executive Committee.
Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBDs)
Decentralized district, municipal and provincial government levels, being supported by the BNPB with a similar composition the national agency.
Progress under each Sendai Priority
Indonesia's efforts to formulate a stronger understanding of disaster risk is guided by real time hazard monitoring and maintenance of data on hydrometeorological hazards, monitored by the National Meteorological Organization. This is further supported by the InaRisk, a web-based portal, built to support DRR planning and monitoring through risk assessments. The Indonesia Disaster Database system was also established in 2006 which has since been updated to an advanced monitoring system, inAWARE, to consolidate and disseminated hazard information. To align with Priority 2 of strengthening governance systems against disaster risks, Indonesia's disaster risk reduction and response efforts are guided by both the BNPB which provide support to provincial, municipal and district governments.
In terms of investing in resilience, under Priority 3, Indonesia largely focuses on improving public and private infrastructure. In disaster response, the On-Call Fund was established to ensure funding is available during emergencies. Under Priority 4 of build back better, Indonesia has focused efforts on establishing end-to-end early warning systems that ensure communication across a plethora of media channels.
In terms of investing in resilience, under Priority 3, Indonesia largely focuses on improving public and private infrastructure. In disaster response, the On-Call Fund was established to ensure funding is available during emergencies. Under Priority 4 of build back better, Indonesia has focused efforts on establishing end-to-end early warning systems that ensure communication across a plethora of media channels.
NDMO Contact Information
National Agency for Disaster Management
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