

Region: South Asia

Population: 39,835,428

Capital: Kabul

GDP (Million US$): 20,116

Disaster Risk Profile: Prone to earthquakes, floods, flash flooding, landslides, avalanches, droughts as well as extreme temperatures which has been worsened by climate change.

Inform Risk Rating: 8.1

Institutional DRR Setup

National Disaster Management Commission (NDMC)
Principle body for setting out national policy directions towards reducing disaster risks and responding to emergencies. Members of the NDMC represent key sectors critical to managing disasters

Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA)

The ANDMA, under the Office of the State Minister for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs (DMHA), was established in 1973 and integrated into the ministry in 2015. The ANDMA, made up of seven directorates distributed across 37 provinces, is the principal executing body at the national level that coordinates all disaster risk reduction, emergency response and recovery activities. It is also the focal point and national platform for reporting on the Sendai Framework and acting as the Secretariat to the NDMC.

National Lead Ministries

Made up of international organizations involved in disaster response, relief, rehabilitation and mitigation. Coordinated by the ANDMA under direction of the National Commissioner.

Provincial Governor's Office

Made up of the Province level Disaster Management Committees/Commissions (PDMCs), including Line Ministry Offices, who form a link between National disaster Management processes and sub-national processes at the provincial, district and local level. PDMCs are headed by the Provincial Governor and supported by representatives.

District Governor's Office
The District level Disaster Management Committee (DDMC), headed by the District Administrator, and supported by government officials and respective community representatives, with support from District Development Assembly (DDA), Municipalities and other concerned agencies.

Local-level Implementing Partners

Non-government organizations and Community Development Councils directly involved in development and emergency response activities with the community. They work to mainstream risk reduction into development and local governance programs. Shuras and other community institutions, including schools and hospitals, directly reach communities in need of assistance during disasters.

Progress under each Sendai Priority

Efforts have been made to improve understanding of disaster risks including through the National Disaster Risk Reduction Information Management Initiative to improve DRR coordination among stakeholders. Comprehensive risk assessments have also been conducted by the World Bank, GFDRR and the National Disaster Management Agency. Under Priority 2 to strengthen disaster risk governance, the disaster management plan (2003), followed by the 2010 version, made provisions for the National Disaster Risk Reduction Plan and the Disaster Response and Recovery Plan (2015). This is supported by the Law of National Disaster Response, Management and Preparedness coordinated by the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority.

To ensure financial provisions are in place, under Sendai Priority 3 of investing in DRR for resilience, the National Emergency Fund has been set up to ensure a national budget and DRR expenditures are readily available for development plans and projects. Under Priority 4, initiatives to back better are oversee by the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development supported by post disaster needs assessments conducted by the government to determine infrastructural development to support road reconstruction as well as social/human capital infrastructure development. Find out more.

NDMO Contact Information

Office of State Minister for Disaster Management
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